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Improve your organic traffic on Google thanks to an SEO agency

Exploit the first lever of traffic acquisition by entrusting your SEO to an experienced digital agency.

Guillaume Peltier, co-fondateur de Keyweo

Our Mission

Develop your visibility on search engines and grow your business in a profitable way

Pierre Guinsbourg, Directeur des opérations DD Isolation

DD Isolation


of additional SEO clicks

David Schneuwly, Villanovo



of additional monthly visits 

Our SEO services

Let us help you move up in the Google results pages.

Étude de mots clés

Keyword study

In order to best target your audience, and thus optimise the conversion rate of your leads into customers, it is essential to carry out a keyword study beforehand. Indeed, such a study allows you to select the strategic keywords on which to position yourself in your field. We take into account several criteria, such as the keyword difficulty, or the traffic that a keyword generates, in order to position you on the most strategic searches possible.

Technical SEO audit

One of the pillars of a good SEO strategy is the technical audit. Keyweo provides you with professional SEO tools, such as Screaming Frog or Google Analytics, in order to perform a complete analysis of your site and evaluate its technical defects. Once these problems have been identified, our team works hand in hand with your technical team to correct them. We start by prioritising certain problems according to their estimated impact in order to deploy the actions with the greatest effect. Then we launch into the correction of these problems in close collaboration with your technical team. Your company will then have a perfectly optimised site as a flagship for its activity.

Optimisation du CMS

Creating your site structure

This study is then used to create an SEO optimised site structure. Indeed, knowing which keywords it is strategic to position yourself on guides us in the creation of a document of pages to create or optimise, as well as in that of an editorial plan. Our team does everything possible to offer you the best SEO strategy, and to get you back in the top positions of the search results!

Création de contenu optimisé

Optimised content writing

Including a lot of content on your website allows you to rank on a wide range of keywords, which is very interesting in terms of SEO. However, it is not enough to write content, it must also be of good quality. By good quality, we mean content that is correctly structured using h2 and h3 tags, that deals with innovative subjects, that is written without any errors, that is positioned on strategic keywords selected in advance, etc. Our team of experienced writers is at your service to provide you with quality content.

Stratégie Link Building


In order to give visibility to a website, it is essential to put in place an effective netlinking strategy. Indeed, the more external sites link to your site, the more your site will gain credibility and popularity in the eyes of Google. However, in order for a netlinking strategy to be effective, it is necessary to select the sites on which to place links beforehand, in order to select the right SEO metrics.

Accompagnement technique

Technical support

At Keyweo, we offer you personalized technical support. Once the technical modifications and optimizations to be made on your site have been evaluated, you will be accompanied step by step by an experienced consultant in order to make your site SEO friendly. The technical changes to be made will be explained to you clearly and professionally, or carried out directly by one of our consultants. This allows us to facilitate the technical management of your website, and to optimise its functioning.

Seguimiento de los resultados con un panel de control SEO

Monitoring your results with an SEO dashboard

In order to ensure a complete follow-up of your SEO and the associated strategy, we ensure a monitoring of your results thanks to an SEO dashboard on Google Data Studio. Our dashboard is connected to SEM Rush, Google Search Console, Google Analytics, and AWR Cloud. This allows us to convert all the SEO data relating to your site into reports and dashboards, in order to help you analyse and understand it, and to assess the effectiveness of the SEO strategy in place

FAQ et questions fréquentes

An SEO consultant at your service

One of the main advantages of working with our Keyweo agency is that you benefit from customised support from our SEO experts. Being a client of Keyweo means having a regular and personalized follow-up of your SEO strategy and its results by one of our consultants. We are always available to answer all your questions and adapt our advice to your business.

The Keyweo methodology

A methodology designed by certified experts to guarantee a high level of performance.

Google Partner Premier
Microsoft Partner 2022
Google Ads Certified Partner
Google Analytics Certified Professional

Stage 1

Definition of objectives and scope

We define the project objectives and scope with you.

Stage 2

Analysis of your market and opportunities

In order to define the best strategy, we carry out an analysis of your competitors, your site and your SEO opportunities.

Stage 3

Semantic study

We define the project objectives and scope with you.

Stage 4

Editorial action plan

Based on your list of strategic keywords, we define the editorial action plan to be implemented.

Stage 5

Definition of the technical priorities

We plan and prioritise the technical issues to be addressed during the project.

Stage 6

Dashboard SEO

Based on your list of strategic keywords, we define the editorial action plan to be implemented.

Stage 7

Operational rollout

We put in place all the operational actions necessary for your success: links, content, technical support, etc.

Stage 8

Reporting of results

Periodically, we review your results and the next steps in the strategy

What is SEO?

Well done SEO allows you to bring back prospects in a lasting and reliable way.

SEO, or Search Engine Optimisation, is a set of marketing techniques to improve the visibility of a website on search engines, mainly Google, but also other engines such as Bing, the Microsoft engine.

Our preferred tools for SEO

Analyse your site

A strong SEO performance is the assurance of regular qualified traffic and a high potential of conversions. Let us discover your site to see what we can do for you!

A team of SEO experts at your service

Our team of expert SEO consultants is at your disposal to ensure the best possible follow-up of your strategy, each of them bringing to the team their skills and experience in the field of SEO to offer you a tailor-made strategy.

Our SEO specialities

Find out more about each of our SEO specialities and take the opportunity to get your website ranked by working with certified experts.

SEO Tourism

Tour operators and travel agencies

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SEO Industry

Automotive, construction and energy

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Consulting, banking and accounting

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SEO eCommerce

Fashion, cosmetics and telephony

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SEO Restaurant

Restaurants, cafés, bars, clubs

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SEO Real Estate

Real estate agencies and architects

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SEO Law Firm

Law firm, legal consultancy firm

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SEO Hotel

Hotel, campsite and rental site

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SEO Healthcare

Medical care, healthcare institution

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Our preferred CMS

Discover the areas of expertise of our SEO Agency to deploy a long term SEO strategy.

SEO Hubspot

Seller of numerous software solutions for marketing, sales and customer service.

SEO Magento

Magento was created to compete with the first CMS specialized in e-commerce.

SEO Prestashop

An open source content management system, which is a real breakthrough for e-commerce.

SEO Shopify

Specialised in the creation, development and management of e-commerce sites.

SEO Webflow

Design a website without any knowledge of web development and coding.


The first tool to easily create a website without coding knowledge.

SEO WordPress

Designed for blog creation, the platform is now open to all types of projects.

More about Keyweo

Suivi SEO personnalisé

Keyweo is involved in local SEO in many French cities.

Questions fréquentes SEO

All the vocabulary necessary for a good understanding of SEO.

Sites vitrine

Find out how our clients increase the effectiveness of their campaigns.

Blog et Portfolio

Follow the latest digital news and our digital marketing tips

SEO professions

Discover the SEO professions and their different roles

SEO Consultant

Content writer

SEO project manager

SEO Expert

Why use an agency to manage your positioning and SEO strategy?

From keyword identification to website development, technical improvements, web content optimisation and error tracking, SEO is a long-term, daily task that pays off.

The world of SEO (including website development, netlinking and content techniques) is constantly evolving. Indeed, there are regularly new technologies that appear, experimental techniques that are tested or changes in the functioning of the ranking algorithm of Google and other search engines.

Therefore, it is essential to keep up to date with the news in the sector to benefit from the latest innovations and always try to be one step ahead of your competitors. This is what we call technology watch. At Keyweo, we devote time to this information gathering in order to satisfy our clients’ needs. Thanks to our experience on numerous sites in various fields, we have developed real expertise.

Focused on the performance and profitability of our clients, we put our experience to work for them with a short, medium and long term vision. As a true marketing tool for your growth, don’t neglect your SEO and call on an agency specialising in this field! For most websites, organic SEO is the most sustainable marketing tool, provided it has been built cohesively and on solid foundations.

Calling on a natural SEO agency will enable you to boost the visibility of your site on Google.

Do you have a question about your SEO?

Do not hesitate to contact us to discuss matters with one of our SEO experts.

Your frequently asked questions about SEO

An SEO agency is a company that assists its clients in their SEO strategy to help them rise in the search engine results. Its main field of activity is SEO, an acronym for Search Engine Optimization, which consists of a set of techniques aimed at optimizing the content of a website to make it appear in the first results of the SERP. Many SEO agencies also offer to assist you in the creation of your website from start to finish.

It is possible to optimise your SEO by yourself. However, using an SEO agency to help you with your strategy has a number of advantages. First of all, you will benefit from advice and regular monitoring by SEO experts, who will be able to provide you with the best possible support. In addition, search engine algorithms are constantly evolving, which SEO agencies are aware of and take into account in their recommendations. Finally, an SEO agency uses professional and specialised SEO tools, which allow them to have access to many essential SEO metrics to evaluate the performance of your website.

An SEO agency supports anyone who wants to increase the visibility of their business, organisation or website. Using an SEO agency to improve your search engine ranking is particularly strategic for a newly launched business. Indeed, a brand new company does not yet have the reputation in its field that would allow it to capture new customers thanks to its brand name alone. Therefore, hiring an SEO agency will allow you to give your business the visibility it needs to launch and succeed.

More broadly speaking, the services offered by an SEO agency are aimed at any company wishing to gain visibility, solve technical problems with its website, and attract new leads.

Choosing the right SEO agency is essential to ensure that your SEO strategy is effective. However, the choice of SEO agencies is wide, so you need to have a clear idea of the criteria on which to base your decision. Start by checking the ranking of your future SEO agency itself. An SEO agency that is well positioned in the search results will have more legitimacy to give you advice than one that is poorly positioned. In addition, find out about the reputation of the team of SEO experts that your potential future agency is surrounded by, and don't hesitate to contact some of their current clients to get feedback on their performance.

There are many SEO agencies in both the US and UK market, which makes it difficult to choose. However, this choice will be crucial for your ranking. Here is a list of some of the best SEO agencies in the US and the UK to guide you in your decision:

  • 7pm Studio
  • Clear Click
  • Keyweo
  • Totally.Digital
  • The SEO Works
  • Sixth City Marketing
  • SEO Fundamentals
  • Webfor
  • Sitelogic
  • RankRealm

SEO is an industry that is constantly changing and becoming more complex over time. SEO agencies must therefore constantly adapt to these changes in order to offer relevant and effective SEO strategies. One of these changes is the shift in Google's focus from an answer engine to a conversational engine with the development of artificial intelligence. Such a change includes a modification of the type of keywords entered by a user during a search, and therefore requires SEO agencies to adapt to this change in order to position themselves on these new keywords.

An SEO agency offers a number of services, all with a common goal: to get your website ranked higher in search results. Here is a list of the services you will benefit from if you use an SEO agency:

  • Conducting an SEO audit: an SEO audit includes a semantic audit, a technical audit, a competitive audit, and a backlink audit
  • Development of a netlinking strategy
  • Writing of quality optimised content
  • SEO training
  • Personalized support in your SEO strategy by an expert consultant

SEO, like SEA, aims to increase the visibility of a website. However, an SEO agency and a SEA agency do not use the same means to achieve their goals. First of all, the strategy implemented by an SEO agency is much more long-term than that of a SEA agency. Furthermore, a SEA agency works on the paid referencing of a website, whereas an SEO agency works on its free referencing. Finally, while content is essential in an SEO strategy, in SEA it has little or no importance.

It is important to differentiate between an SEO agency and a classic web agency, even though their roles are very similar. The classic web agency offers the following services: web development, visual creation, web marketing, and web design. The SEO agency, on the other hand, also offers website creation. However, it focuses much more on analysing the statistics of a site and its optimisation compared to a classic web agency, which seeks to meet users' expectations through visuals and content writing. Thus, the work of an SEO agency and a classic web agency are much more complementary than similar.

If you are looking for support with your SEO strategy, you may have wondered whether you should use an SEO agency or a freelancer. Both have a role to play in developing and monitoring your SEO strategy, but each has different advantages and disadvantages. Generally, using a freelancer is less expensive. However, the freelancer works alone, whereas the SEO agency has a whole team of SEO experts in which everyone shares their skills. In addition, the number of projects carried out by an agency is much greater than that carried out by a freelance SEO consultant. It can therefore be considered more reassuring to use an SEO agency than a freelancer.

One of the advantages of SEO is the long-term results of such a strategy. Using an SEO agency has a cost, but it will allow you to increase your turnover considerably, and thus make your investment profitable. Typically, the hourly rate for an SEO provider is around €150 per hour, and daily rates for agencies range from €300 to €800 per day depending on the quality and experience of the SEO consultants.

SEO agencies not only offer personalised support for your SEO strategy, but also provide SEO training to give you the tools you need to carry out your SEO strategy. Going through an SEO agency for such a training is worthwhile, as you will benefit from the expertise and experience of SEO professionals to learn more about how SEO works, and be able to optimise your website by yourself.

It is often recommended to use an SEO agency to assist you with your SEO strategy. However, an SEO agency has a few drawbacks that are important to consider when deciding whether or not to use one for your SEO. Firstly, working with an SEO agency means that you are delegating part of your web project to a professional outside your company. It is therefore essential to find the SEO agency best suited to your business and needs. However, there are a lot of SEO agencies on the market, which makes the choice complicated.

The SEO quote allows an SEO agency to give you an idea of the budget to allocate for the SEO of your website. In this quote, you will find a detailed explanation of what an SEO audit includes, as well as the tools the SEO consultant will need to develop your SEO strategy. This quote is based on the state of your website, the work that needs to be done on it, and the services that you want to receive from an SEO agency. Please note that, contrary to what you might think, the quote does not specify the results to be achieved.

Nowadays, if you want to build a successful business, an SEO agency is a must. SEO agencies generate a lot of business, which is why they are so important in the global economy. Not only are they a growth market due to the high demand, but they also increase the income of their clients. In addition, SEO agencies, by constantly trying to get around the penalties put in place by Google, are constantly trying to reinvent themselves to improve. Each update is accompanied by a reorganisation of the search results, and thus of the success of the companies positioned on the same market. SEO agencies therefore directly and indirectly influence the hierarchy of companies in the global economy.

In recent years, the market for SEO agencies has grown considerably, to the point where these agencies have become essential partners for any company. There has been a surge in the number of SEO agencies on the market today: whereas a few years ago there were no such firms, today there are about ten major firms and over 150 medium-sized SEO agencies. In total, according to a study conducted by Forbes, in 2018, the global SEO market was worth 80 billion dollars.

An SEO agency relies on different tools to carry out your SEO strategy:

  • Tools for analysing the SEO factors of a page (page load speed, semantic richness, etc.): SEO Quake, SEO Grader, or Woorank
  • Position tracking tools: SEO Hero, SEMrush, Positeo, or Ranxplorer
  • Backlink analysis tools: Majestic SEO, Ahrefs, SEO Cleaner.
  • Site crawlers: Screaming Frog, Netpeak Spider, or SEO Toolkit.
  • Google Tools: Google Search Console and Google Analytics.
  • Performance analysis tools: Pingdom Tools and GTmetrix.

In order to adjust the strategy adopted for your website, and to maximise its effect, the SEO agency evaluates the effectiveness of the various measures already in place using different criteria:

  • The amount of organic traffic 
  • The number of impressions and click-through rate
  • Positioning in search results, particularly on geolocated keywords
  • The conversion rate
  • Bounce rate
  • Domain authority
  • The loading time of your website's pages
  • Technical defects of your website

We have their full confidence.

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Do not hesitate to contact us for a free personalised quote

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