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Guillaume Peltier


"The 500-hour week"

Guillaume Peltier, co-fondateur de Keyweo



Cofounder of Keyweo, i have more than 10 years experience in digital marketing in house and in agency. Passionate about digital marketing, one of my hobbies is to find the best hacks to increase the visibility of the website i’m managing.

What is your secret technique in SEO or SEA ?

I have many tricks in my pocket but one that i like is to add the stars rich snippets to all types of contents 🙂 many people think about product or categories but you can do it on btob websites for services or blog posts.

What blackhat technique are you interested to test ?

Some Automated backlinks software to expired domains


The 500-hour week

What's your favourite day in a year?

21 JUNE : Hello Summer ! 

What are your passions in life?

Launching new businesses and websites Traveling Breakdance (but it’s a secret)

Which superpower you would like to have and why?

Teleportation because it’s awesome to be wherever i want when i want

What do you like to do during your spare time?

Playing sports, creating a new project, spending my time on blackhat forums.

What small thing can make your day better?

A coffee.

If your life were a book, what would be the title?

The week of 500 hours (don’t search it, this book does not exist)

If you were the last person on earth, what would you do?

Explore the world

Are you more...

Tea or Coffee ?
Day or Night ?
Beach or Mountain ?
Pizza or Salad ?
Getting up early or Staying in bed until late ?
Staying in bed until late
Favorite type of food

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