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Albert Padilla


"I like to talk about philosophy and politics also. I'm a pet lover."


SEO Consultant

I studied humanities in the university. After covid I decided to create my own website and to study a master degree in digital marketing. Now I’m involved in the sector since 2 years ago. However, I like to talk about philosophy and politics also. I’m a pet lover.

What is your secret technique in SEO or SEA ?

Georeference the images


"I like to talk about philosophy and politics also. I'm a pet lover."

What's your favourite movie?


What's your favourite day in a year?

Probably St. John’s

What are your passions in life?

Play korfball, write poetry, the food, sleep well, see the rain…

Which superpower you would like to have and why?

Know what people think when they are sad

In which fictional world you would like to live in?

The death star

What do you like to do during your spare time?

Do some sport, go to restaurants and make beers with my friends

What's the question you would love to have the answer to?

Are the animals happier than us?

What small thing can make your day better?

Good weather and good music

What do you think people should do at least once in a lifetime?

Traveling alone

If your life were a book, what would be the title?

Drifting without tires

If you were the last person on earth, what would you do?

Record who we were

Are you more?

Tea or Coffee ?
Day or Night ?
Beach or Mountain ?
Pizza or Salad ?
Getting up early or Staying in bed until late ?
Getting up early
Favourite food

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