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Sponsored Article
Home > SEO Agency > SEO Glossary > Sponsored article
In Webmarketing, a sponsored post refers to web content published on a site with the purpose of promoting a brand, service or other website. Sponsored articles are usually published on blogs to promote a product or service in return for a fee.
This practice is very common in influencer marketing with brands looking to build their online profile through influencer blogs.

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Usefulness of sponsored articles in SEO
In SEO, it is common to use sponsored articles to improve one’s ranking on Google. In reality, the usefulness of sponsored article is multifaceted:
- Increased visibility on Google and among site visitors
- Gain quality backlinks as part of a Netlinking strategy
- Increased traffic on its website
Sponsored articles are beneficial for both the publisher and the advertiser. The publisher benefits from a quality article on the site which allows them to boost organic referencing and to monetise the site. And the advertiser benefits from a quality spot to promote its product/service and to boost its backlink strategy.
Attention: to fully benefit from the notoriety of a site and its link juice, it is always more advantageous for the sponsored link to be “dofollow”.
What does sponsored content include?
A sponsored article can be written without constraints but often the parties impose conditions on the writing of this promotional content. For example, a minimum word count may be set, as well as the use of specific keywords and photos to accompany the text. The link integration may also be subject to conditions regarding the anchor link used, the link inserted that will direct the reader to the featured site etc.
How much does a sponsored article cost?
The price of sponsored content depends on many factors that can quickly change the price. Among the most common factors, we find:
- The reputation of the site: traffic, click-through rate, trust flow, all these elements are taken into account to define the reputation of a site. If you want to promote your site on a blog or any other platform, it is essential to take an interest in these selection criteria to obtain a quality link. In SEO, the trust metrics analysed as part of a netlinking strategy are : Dofollow link, Trust Flow (index of trust of a site according to the quality of links) and Citation Flow (index of popularity of a site according to the quantity of links).
- The target: the choice of a sponsored link spot must also take into account the site’s audience. To promote your product/service and acquire quality leads, it is important to target a site whose users are engaged and relevant to you. In the same way, you can evaluate the engagement of a site’s community on social networks by the interactions generated, the comments or the rate of subscription to e-mail campaigns.
- The quality of the article: the sponsored article can be written by the advertiser (brand) or the editor of the site (blogger). The price can then vary up or down depending on the type of content proposed and its added value for Internet users. The time taken to write the article, the number of words or the time it is visible on the site (short or not) will also be taken into account.
It is also possible to use another method for writing sponsored articles: link exchange. If you can reach an agreement with the owner of a website, you can make a sponsored article exchange. You publish an article with a link to his site and he does the same with a link to yours.
Writing a quality sponsored article
In order to please Google and Internet users, it is not enough to write irrelevant content with random words. Quite the contrary! The writing of sponsored content, like any other SEO content, must be done with care in order to offer strategic and quality content.
For this, it is essential to delegate the writing of the content to a person competent in the field of content creation. In order to make reading enjoyable, the writer must propose attractive content that also meets the requirements of SEO: keyword optimisation, catchy titles, adapted phrases and tone etc.
By creating this sponsored content, the aim is also to add value to the site and offer original content to Internet users. The idea of proposing yet another article on the targeted subject with copied and pasted content is far from being the case. Go for originality to make a mark!
So you can see that if you want to work on your SEO, sponsored articles are effective levers to use to boost your ranking!
The most popular definitions
backlink dofollow
backlink nofollow
Sponsored article
Anchor link
citation flow
Link exchange
Link juice
Toxic link
Keyword occurrence
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